WUKF, WTKF and WSKF stop the "bastards"!
WUKF - World Union of Karate-Do Federations.
WTKF - World Traditional Karate-Do Federation.
WSKF - World Shotokan Karate-Do Association.
In 2003 the movie "Bastards" about a mythical punitive military unit of Soviet child saboteurs during the 2nd World War was released.
At the "MTV Russia Movie Awards 2007" ceremony, director Vladimir Menshov refused to present the prize for the best movie. After opening the envelope and reading its contents, he said: "I hoped that it would pass, but it didn't. I would ask Pamela Anderson to present the Best Film Award to this movie - a despicable and disgraceful to my country. I won't do it. Goodbye." Throwing the envelope on the floor, Menshov left the stage.
Director Vladimir Menshov, an Oscar winner (USA), considered it a personal insult to the movie that the victory over Hitler was allegedly won at the cost of the lives of children who bravely marched under Nazi machine guns. Vladimir Menshov could not stop "Bastards" and the movie was released.
But in 2022, the WUKF, WTKF, WSKF appeared on the scene and stopped the "bastards".
They banned Russian athletes from participating in their competitions. These karate federations, claiming world exclusivity, allow athletes from the age of 6 to participate in their championships. Russian children were also banned from participating.
It is impossible to allow (according to the logic of the WUKF, WSKF and WTKF) that the Russian women Natasha and Masha, just yesterday, who led the storming subdivisions in Ukraine, now freely participate in the World and European Championships! All the more so because at the beginning of 2022 Natasha and Masha were 6 years old and they commanded companies at Debaltsevo and Bukhmut. Now they have grown up and are commanding airborne assault battalions at Chasovy Yar and Suzha.
Insane logic ? No, quite real management decisions (see photo).
Even the IOC and WKF have crawled away from their previous decisions in three years. Russian athletes participate in its competitions in neutral status. Children are out of the question - the Olympics are for adults only.
The Olympic realities are such that "Olympians" from the sports clubs of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Iranian CSKA and Dinamo), who publicly hanged dissenters in the streets of Tehran, can proudly march in Olympic parades in European capitals as part of their national teams.
But WUKF, WSKF and WTKF think that you can't do that with Russians!
There aren't that many participants at the WUKF, WSKF and WTKF championships. Very few competitors in the categories. But Russians have nothing to do with it.
It's management. Alternatively clever.
How amazingly similar sports officials are ! A few years ago, when I wrote about the meanness of the WKF, disqualifying children for participation in competitions of other karate federations, the same WUKF, WSKF and WTKF, one scoundrel from the Russian WKF wrote that I am not curable. I agree. If a person has a conscience, it is incurable.
WUKF - World Union of Karate-Do Federations.
WTKF - World Traditional Karate-Do Federation.
WSKF - World Shotokan Karate-Do Association.
In 2003 the movie "Bastards" about a mythical punitive military unit of Soviet child saboteurs during the 2nd World War was released.
At the "MTV Russia Movie Awards 2007" ceremony, director Vladimir Menshov refused to present the prize for the best movie. After opening the envelope and reading its contents, he said: "I hoped that it would pass, but it didn't. I would ask Pamela Anderson to present the Best Film Award to this movie - a despicable and disgraceful to my country. I won't do it. Goodbye." Throwing the envelope on the floor, Menshov left the stage.
Director Vladimir Menshov, an Oscar winner (USA), considered it a personal insult to the movie that the victory over Hitler was allegedly won at the cost of the lives of children who bravely marched under Nazi machine guns. Vladimir Menshov could not stop "Bastards" and the movie was released.
But in 2022, the WUKF, WTKF, WSKF appeared on the scene and stopped the "bastards".
They banned Russian athletes from participating in their competitions. These karate federations, claiming world exclusivity, allow athletes from the age of 6 to participate in their championships. Russian children were also banned from participating.
It is impossible to allow (according to the logic of the WUKF, WSKF and WTKF) that the Russian women Natasha and Masha, just yesterday, who led the storming subdivisions in Ukraine, now freely participate in the World and European Championships! All the more so because at the beginning of 2022 Natasha and Masha were 6 years old and they commanded companies at Debaltsevo and Bukhmut. Now they have grown up and are commanding airborne assault battalions at Chasovy Yar and Suzha.
Insane logic ? No, quite real management decisions (see photo).
Even the IOC and WKF have crawled away from their previous decisions in three years. Russian athletes participate in its competitions in neutral status. Children are out of the question - the Olympics are for adults only.
The Olympic realities are such that "Olympians" from the sports clubs of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (Iranian CSKA and Dinamo), who publicly hanged dissenters in the streets of Tehran, can proudly march in Olympic parades in European capitals as part of their national teams.
But WUKF, WSKF and WTKF think that you can't do that with Russians!
There aren't that many participants at the WUKF, WSKF and WTKF championships. Very few competitors in the categories. But Russians have nothing to do with it.
It's management. Alternatively clever.
How amazingly similar sports officials are ! A few years ago, when I wrote about the meanness of the WKF, disqualifying children for participation in competitions of other karate federations, the same WUKF, WSKF and WTKF, one scoundrel from the Russian WKF wrote that I am not curable. I agree. If a person has a conscience, it is incurable.

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