«Alexandra Cup» and «Women of Moscow» 2022

«Alexandra Cup» and «Women of Moscow» will take place on May 29th in Moscow.
Style - shotokan.
Kata can't be repeated.
«Alexandra Cup»
Partcipants - only girls up to 8 years old.
- Kata
- Kumite shobu sanbon
- Kumite shobu ippon
- Freestyle kata
Limt number of entries - 10 starts per category.
The girl with the best total result (Olympic standings) is awarded with a Grand Cup.
«Women of Moscow»
- Kata Female +30 years old, +40, +50
- Family kata
Limt number of entries - 10 starts per category.
Entry fee - €15.
Style - shotokan.
Kata can't be repeated.
- Kata
- Kumite shobu sanbon
- Kumite shobu ippon
- Freestyle kata
Limt number of entries - 10 starts per category.
The girl with the best total result (Olympic standings) is awarded with a Grand Cup.
- Kata Female +30 years old, +40, +50
- Family kata
Limt number of entries - 10 starts per category.
Entry fee - €15.
Entry form can be sent to Sportdata: vitaliy_svadkovskiy@mail.ru
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